- Diploma in Physiotherapy-Colegiado nº1076.
- Osteopath C.O.
- Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychoneuroimmunology.
- Specialisation in Paediatric Osteopathy.
- Postgraduate in Joint Manipulative Physiotherapy.
- Postgraduate specialisation in Sports Physiotherapy.
- Postgraduate in Respiratory Physiotherapy.
- Founder and director of the Javier Ferreiro (www.javierferreiro.es). Lugo.
Trying to relate the different causes by which a patient develops a symptom or illness has been my obsession during my health career. For this reason, from my beginnings in 2003 to the present day, I have combined private practice with training in different fields, emphasising chronic pathology. For me, understanding the patient as a whole and their relationship with their environment is the only way to achieve a complete state of health.