- Diploma in Physiotherapy – Registered nº 743.
- Osteopath DO- MROE 292.
- Master in Dietetics and Diet Therapy.
- Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychoneuroimmunology.
- Postgraduate in Joint Manipulative Physiotherapy.
- First Degree Specialisation in Osteopathic Manual Physiotherapy, levels I-V.
- Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) and Brief Systemic Therapy.
- Director of the Osteopathy Clinic Mayte Cereijo González.
C/ Amor Ruibal 13, local 2. 36203. Vigo.
TEL: 986414567.
Throughout my many years of professional experience, my aspiration has always been to understand the path that leads a person to their current state of health in all human dimensions. Physiology, lifestyle and the particular understanding of the world that each of us has are fundamental pillars on which to build a healthy and fulfilling life, for which I have found in PNIc the best of tools.